Author - Shiyamala

Fashion Tips: 1 Plain Saree, 6 Different Ways to Style

plain saree

A plain saree is something each lady’s closet makes certain to have. Like it or not, we as a whole love to go simple and sober on occasion and why not, all things considered, plain sarees have not lost their place from the style scene. Red, blue, yellow or dark, plain sarees come in different tones and can likewise be styled in various ways...

11 Subtle Ways to Update Your Wardrobe

If you’re the kind of dresser who’s developed a formula that works, you may find it challenging or pointless to mix things up in the wardrobe department. But giving yourself a unique new style or a few fresh pieces can do wonders for your self-esteem, and it can even influence the way others perceive you.  Source: Tinxi/

Skincare Ingredients 101: Actives Vs. Inactives

A well-executed skincare routine can change the way you look and feel. Skincare routines help the skin stay in top condition by treating wrinkles, preventing blemishes, and removing dead skin cells. Healthy, radiant skin can make you look more youthful and boost self-confidence.   A skincare routine is only as effective as the products...

How to Save Enough Money For a Fun Retirement

Saving for retirement is no different other purpose for saving except it has a longer time frame. With that said, to make a retirement saving successful, you want to start as soon as possible. There are many reasons for that but the most important is you can utilize the power of compounding interest. Here are some simple steps to put you on the...

All You Need to Know About Hats


Hats, among the most well known types of head wear, are items of clothing placed on top of the head. Specific traits make the hat different from other forms of headgear. For example, a hat is different from a cap; hats have elevated peaks or brims or both peaks and brims. Hats are also bigger than caps. Men and women place hats above their heads...

Breakdown of Bikini Styles

Breakdown of Bikini Styles

When it comes to shopping people love options. Whether it be colors, styles or whatever else it maybe the more options the better. This makes sure that there is a better chance others won’t be wearing the same thing as well as finding the right fit for your body. This is especially the case for bikinis. With bikinis there are many different...

How to Love Your Body in Plus Size Swimwear

Big girls be proud! Considering the average dress size for women is now 14-16, we’re all for plus size swimwear being as gorgeous and irresistible as it is for those at the smaller end of the rack. The beach is for everyone and women of all sizes should be catered for. Clever Australian Swimwear designers are creating styles, cuts and prints...